Med Pay – The Forgotten Insurance Coverage | InjuryBoard Norfolk. This should help to clear up any confusion about MedPay coverage.
Adjust your chair properly. Here’s how: Stand in front of your chair and adjust the seat so that its highest point is just below your knee cap. Sit so that there is large enough space to fit a clenched fist between the front edge of the seat and the lower part of the legs. Ensure that the back rest supports …
Immune System Works Better at Night – Please read this article. Great information.
Dr. George Traitses Meetings, data processing, switchboard work, telephone customer service and a host of other office duties may seem easy but sitting all day actually is stressful on the spine, according to Dr. George I. Traitses of Scarborough/Markham, local representative of the Ontario Chiropractic Association (OCA). “This can lead to irritation of the nerves in the neck, and middle …
By: Michael Stefano Michael Stefano is the author of The Firefighter’s Workout Handbook as well as a twenty year veteran of the New York City Fire Department. His simple yet highly effective training programs are used by firefighters across the country and, the general population. A sensible flexibility program will not only enhance physical fitness, but can actually give you …
By: Dr. John Zimmerman As more athletes discover the benefits of chiropractic care not only for injuries but additionally for increased performance, more athletes and teams are using chiropractic to gain an important edge. A recent study published in the March/April 2002 issue of the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, (JMPT) examined the usage of chiropractic care by National …
By: Brandon W. Goldstein, DC Are you pregnant? Have you been experiencing low back pain, headaches, nausea, insomnia, or other symptoms? Chiropractic care may be able to help you and your baby achieve a happier and healthier pregnancy and delivery. Upon discovering they are pregnant, many women become conscious of eating healthy foods, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, exercising, and getting …
By: Dr. John Zimmerman In the October 16, 1998 issue of the USA Today, was an article that featured Emmitt Smith, a football star from the Dallas Cowboys. Emmitt Smith is one of the best players in the game and in his ninth season as a professional. The article discusses his healthy lifestyle which includes regular chiropractic care. “I started …
By: Dr. John Zimmerman According to the American Chiropractic Association 14 percent of the public who see chiropractors presently go for headaches. For these patients the good news has gotten even better. Researchers at Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Minnesota, compared chiropractic care to certain drug therapies used for tension and migraine headaches. The study, published in the Journal of …
By: Larry Bowen The Aug. 17 PRNewswire reported a story about professional golfers using chiropractic on a regular basis. Dr. Brandon Goldstein is a chiropractor who has traveled with the PGA tour and regularly provides chiropractic to the pros. Dr. Goldstein reports that up to 85 percent of the injuries on the PGA Tour and Senior Tour relate to the …